Sunday, April 27, 2014

10th century BC

World in 1 000 BC
Source: wikimedia commons
My last week post was about China rulers in X century BC. I've realized that it will be interesting to find out what happened this times in other civilization. I based on Wikipedia article and make additional investigation on interesting facts and figures. Below I summarize my findings.

Starting in Asia:
Japan - Late Jōmon culture entered in final period (1 000 - 300 BC) 
India - in X century BC there were four Iron Age kingdoms in India—Panchala, Kuru , Kosala, Videha.
Sri Lanka - first capital of the Kingdom of RajarataAnuradhapura - was established

Let's move now to Mediterranean area:
Egypt - Sheshonk I unite Egypt, strengthen pharaohs power by introducing rule that high priest of Karnak Temple must come from royal family
Israel - David and his son Solomon reign period, in 925 Sheshonk invade Kanaan and sack Jerusalem taking all temple treasures. This story is mentioned in Steven Spielberg's action-adventure film Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). He is referred to as "Shishak" in the dialogue below about Arc of the Convenant :
Replica of Ark of the Covenant build for
Raiders of the Lost Ark movie
Source: wikimedia commons

Indiana: "The Hebrews put the broken pieces in the Ark. When they settled in Canaan, they put it in the placed call as Temple of Solomon."
Marcus Brody: "In Jerusalem."Indiana: "Where it stayed for many years, until, whoosh, it's gone."
Major Eaton: "Where?"
Indiana: "Nobody knows where or when. 
Marcus Brody: "However an  Egyptian Pharaoh"
Indiana Jones: "Shishak"
Marcus Brody: "Yes, invaded the city of Jerusalem about 980 BC, and may have taken the Ark to the city of Tanis and hidden it in a secret chamber called the Well of Souls."
Major Eaton: "Secret chamber?"
Marcus Brody: "About a year after the Pharaoh returned to Egypt, the city of Tanis was consumed by the desert in sandstorm that last a whole year. Wiped clean by the wrath of God." 
Source: Raiders of the Lost Ark - Talk with Army Intel, Youtube

From this period, dated on 930 BC there is also earliest iron smelting traces found in Tell Hammeh.
Italy - beginning of Villanovan culture in Italy, by some scholars (e.g. Massimo Pallottino) claimed as ancestral to the Etruscan civilization

In Americas:
Mexico - Olmec culture flourish on Yucatan peninsula
Ecuador - Chorrera culture

Lapita culture - claimed as most advanced in seamanship and navigation, enabling them finding islands on vast Pacific ocean. Theirs descendants populated such distant locations like Hawaii or Easter Island.

Related posts: 

Primary sources:
[1] Wikipedia
[3] Iron smelting
[4] JapanReference Jomon Period
[5] About Archeology

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