Sunday, April 27, 2014

10th century BC

World in 1 000 BC
Source: wikimedia commons
My last week post was about China rulers in X century BC. I've realized that it will be interesting to find out what happened this times in other civilization. I based on Wikipedia article and make additional investigation on interesting facts and figures. Below I summarize my findings.

Starting in Asia:
Japan - Late Jōmon culture entered in final period (1 000 - 300 BC) 
India - in X century BC there were four Iron Age kingdoms in India—Panchala, Kuru , Kosala, Videha.
Sri Lanka - first capital of the Kingdom of RajarataAnuradhapura - was established

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rare bird and mythical quest in Chinese Zhou dynasty

King Zhao of Zhou
Source: wikimedia commons
In the time of third Chinese dynasty Zhou - fourth king Zhao rules in the second part of X century BC. He was rather lazy - prefer pleasure than politics. In center of his interest were rather rare plants and animals than ruling country. This passion pushed him to attack rival Kingdom of Chu as he got information about rare bird observed on Chu territory. After crossing the Han River, King Zhao realized that this was a trick. Lack of preparation and weak commanding skills lead to tragic results as describe in John Keay book:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Timber and Fire - How Jerusalem was captured by Crusaders

Ercole de Roberti Destruction of Jerusalem
Source: wikimedia commons
Mid-June 1099 - Genoese fleet anchored at Jaffa, at this time just small natural harbour, closest to Jerusalem. They had come primary to explore new avenues for commerce. For Baldwin, crusaders leader in this time, they provide needed naval power. He offered them generous term - they can create independent trading enclave in any settlement or city taken by Crusaders with sailors help. In addition experienced and  skilled Genoese craftsman strengthen engineering skills of Crusaders which combined with local Christian knowledge about timber sources allow Crusaders to start building siege machinery. Muslim used normal tactic to fight this timber siege towers - fire but sometimes with unexpected role change:

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Medieval Britain post

XVth century scribe at work (modern reconstruction)
Source: wikimedia commons
How letters were sent in 15th century on British Isles describe Deborah Thorpe in September 2013 BBC History Magazine. 
Not surprisingly the reason of sending letters in those times wasn't much different than today. People sending the letter in every topic starting from business related to love affairs. However, there were many challenges in process of getting a letter from sender to recipients. First one was to find the right person suitable to write the letter as not everyone was capable to do this.